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How to end psoriasis?

Post crée le 21/06/2019 et mis à jour le 22/12/2020 et le 16/05/2022

Ah.... Psoriasis ... Skin disease almost always chronic which is very difficult to get rid of and touches hair, knees, elbows, hands ... Everywhere in fact! It is a pathology of elimination of waste by the skin, the body loaded with waste affects the immune system.

A weakness of the liver/ intestines and lungs can be associated with it since these organs are responsible for eliminating the waste "crystalloid" or "colloidal" either acids or mucus. But this comes from both organ weakness and emotional weakness. Psoriasis comes from a genetic predisposition (yes thank you parents, grandparents etc etc), and/or a stressful environment, emotional shocks, trauma, and/or dysbiosis (digestive and intestinal disorders

To be able to eliminate this skin disease, it is necessary to find the exact source of the waste, it will be necessary to open, to detoxify the emonctory or the emonctories concerned by draining them and then to finish by revitalizing the whole.

The skin is a messenger organ that informs the physiological and/or psychic state of the individual. The skin is the organ that connects the outside and the inside. Everything is connected....

According to its layout on the body psoriasis can have different meanings for example for those who have it on the scalp it is the mind that is in action so we must learn to silence to let go to help its disappearance.

Naturopathy as well as energy care can help you make it go away. However, no miracle recipe, it takes time and really be an actor of your health to be able to heal, decrease, or even completely stop crises!

Technique 1: Again and Again (for those who are used to reading me) FOOD!!

It will be necessary to ensure initially a hypo toxic diet to eliminate toxins and stop overloading the body.

Each being different the diet will have to adapt to each according to his typology, these pathologies, his lifestyle ...

Pour cela les conseils d'une naturopathe vous sont indispensables ! (mes coordonnées sur ce même site)

Mais en général :

For this the advice of a naturopath is essential! (my details on this same site) But in general: - A diet that gives a lot of attention to organic, seasonal and raw fruits and vegetables preferably and more particularly foods that "detox" such as black radish, artichoke, dandelion, watercress, dried fruits such as apricot, dates, prunes, herbs. Carrots and cucumbers are also very good for the skin. Sulfur vegetables, green leafy vegetables... At each meal, vegetables must represent at least 70% of the intake

White bread, white pasta, dairy products based on cow’s milk, industrial products, white sugar, sweet products, sugary drinks, industrial cakes, should be removed from the hypotoxic diet, especially during the hypotoxic period, For at least 1 month, the hypo toxic diet will be vegetarian, ie more animal protein, they will be replaced by their vegetable counterparts. It will take 1 day a week to make a cooked apple monodiete.

But there are also specific diets to try like the Pagano diet (70/80% vegetables and the rest is a mixture of good quality meat and whole grains. All the exciting and industrial foods are banned), the Seignalet diet that consists a little on the same model but removing all gluten foods and adding good oils. You will find all the details of these two diets by going to see a naturopath but also by reading the following books:

  • Guérir du Psoriasis L’alternative naturelle de John O.A Pagano

  • Diet or the third medicine Doctor Jean Seignalet can be a little hard to read so you have several books that will explain his precepts in lighter version

I know that for some these tips are hard and require a lot of changes in your eating habits, but it must also be understood that to stop this pathology it will require effort and that the beginning especially during the first 2 months the toxic hypo diet will be hard but will have the advantage of getting rid of toxins accumulated for too long.

Technique 2: Managing stress and emotions

It is very important in a condition like psoriasis to really take into account its stress and emotions, indeed, psoriasis can be triggered and maintained by stress, emotional shock or trauma.

If you’re ever the type to somatize, to keep everything to yourself without ever saying anything, well, you’re going to have to find a way to get all this out.

  • There are several options available to you:

    • get out of your comfort zone and find in your close circle a confidential ear,

    • go see a professional, a therapist and start therapy, -

    • take a notebook and every day write 3 pages of everything in your head, inside you. This notebook will only be seen by you, it aims to spread you, to unload you, to help you to take stock and to make emerge what must emerge. You don’t even need it if you don’t want to read it again.

  • Go for a walk in nature, in the mountains or at the ocean,

  • Walking barefoot in nature,

  • Meditate 10 to 20 minutes a day,

  • Practice breathing exercises such as heart coherence,

  • Art therapy after the higher technique of writing, why not indulge in coloring, painting, creative cooking, singing, dancing ...

  • Treat yourself to a massage, an energetic treatment

The key word to please yourself while doing yourself good

For Jacques Martel and his great dictionary of diseases: psoriasis is especially present on hypersensitive beings, in lack of affection, who are in great need of love and who have great difficulty in expressing their emotion and feeling.

"I accept ♥ now my sensitivity; I learn to do things for myself and not just according to what others expect of me. And although psoriasis probably came about as a result of a painful event or an emotional shock, I accept ♥ that this is part of the natural process of life and my growth and to become stronger and stronger internally. I tame each of my emotions.

I learn to trust myself. I dare to take the risk of opening myself to others in order to receive the sweetness of contact. By being "in contact" with what is happening inside me, anxiety gives way to confidence in myself and in life!

Technique 3: Hydrotherapy

Add in his schedule sessions of Hamman, sauna, nothing like to eliminate even more toxins by the skin, while pampering, so feel good, so less stress! Take a bath and put in Epsom salt, baking soda, essential oils such as lavender, bitter orange, rose geranium, chamomile and tea tree, and especially we deeply moisturize your skin with vegetable oils such as rosehip oil, sweet almond, coconut, argan several times a day.

Technique 4: Sport

Sport has a thousand and one virtues, in the case of psoriasis it will allow to eliminate the accumulated waste faster but also to calm the mental sphere, stress and it will allow a better management of emotions. So we put on his sneakers, his bike, his swimsuit or we take his yoga mat but we agree at least 1 session of 30 minutes a day or 3 sessions of 1 hour a week.

Technique 5: Biotherapies

The tips below are a list of plants and other food supplements that may help you. However, before taking any treatment it is worth talking to your doctor, pharmacist or me your favorite naturopath especially if you are already taking medical treatment. The whole list is not to be taken at the same time.

  • It will be appropriate the 1st year of management of psoriasis to drain the liver, intestines once a season for 3 weeks with plants such as milk thistle, desmodium (if allergic), fumarole, rosemary, mallow, artichoke, black radish, senna, la bourdaine... Then it will be necessary to do it in spring and autumn and this for the rest of his days it applies to any human being besides psoriasis or not.

  • Gemmotherapy: make a cure of Cassis and cedar buds they will act on the ground and act in depth. Take 3 weeks per month for 3 to 6 months. You can add the plane tree which is a skin regenerator, the elm which will bring out the glues and thus help to purify, the rye which will act by detoxifying the body.

  • Oligotherapy: Take for 1 month an ampoule of Zinc Nickel cobalt or Zinc from LPEV or Copmed at a rate of 20mg per day in background treatment.

  • Make a cure of the product Dermolig Nutrition from LPEV that will help to find and keep a normal skin 3 capsules in the morning plus a cure of omega DHA that will feed the nervous system

  • Aromatherapy: on a small area essential oils can be used pure as soon as the area extends they are mixed with vegetable oil such as sweet almond, jojoba, hazelnut etc etc

  • To put directly on psoriasis the essential oils of Immortelle, Tea tree, Geranium rosat, and Rosemary 1.8 cineole

The best is to prepare the following mixture 4% maximum essential oil

  1. 50% Calophylle vegetable oil

  2. 30% Castor Vegetable Oil

  3. 20% Millepertuis vegetable oil

  4. Tea Tree Essential Oil

  5. Real lavender essential oil

  6. Helicryse essential oil

  • An oil to put in the evening and leave overnight on the scalp or at least left for 1 hour before shampooing. For the body, put 80% calophylle and 20% St John’s wort without castor and put it morning and evening (WARNING NOT TO BE EXPOSED TO THE SUN: St John’s wort oil being sensitizing photo)

  • To breathe daily the Roman chamomile that balances the nervous system

  • Colloidal silver also by its anti inflammatory function anti bacterial etc is good to put directly on the scalp or on the skin.

I wish you to find the remedy that works for you because yes there is a remedy for you in this disease. Knowing this disease well because I have it in different places. Live with it and possible. Just find the right dose for yourself. Personally, I use the buds in gemmotherapy and the mixture vegetable oils/ essential oils higher.

I wish you a very nice day for more information or to have a vitality assessment adapted to your needs do not hesitate to make an appointment with me! Whether you are in Haute Gironde or from all over the world the year 2020 has allowed us to evolve towards screen meetings.

Mélanie Page : -

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