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Melanie Page

Art therapy, Naturopathy, Bibliotherapy: Healthy eating, Aromatherapy, Herbal medicine, Gemmotherapy, Relaxation and energy sessions, Meditation, Dream Machine, Support for creative projects (especially literary), Emotional unloading training, Biblio-creativity, Stress management, Development of well-being, Reconnection to oneself, to one’s creativity, Recognize, Understand and Express one’s emotions, Find one’s potentials, mission, path, joy ...



There are always these children who are said a little apart, not all done like everyone else. I was one of those children there and now one of those adults. I walked at the age of 9 months and started reading at the age of 4 years and my emotional has always been outside the patterns of our society. Very quickly my questions were disturbing, many were about life after death. Between the age of 8 and 10, at night I was accompanied by drums, no one I heard walking in the attic …. Around my 10 years I made a real body exit. I left so high that on returning I saw myself perfectly "sleeping" except that I almost could not reintegrate my physical body. By forcing, I got there but I still remember, while now I am 40 years old the feeling of this re-integration, the lungs that rise again, the icy cold of the re-integration. A trauma that marked me well.

I also experienced academic harassment at that time and throughout my childhood. I was not up to standard and many other injuries and trauma. I know that now all this was part of my path and I made peace with my story and understood my path.

However, a strong desire to succeed no matter the professional path seized me and even if outside of accounting study and real estate and post in these ways until my 35 years to be even executive with a very good salary; I started drawing cards from the age of 15. From the twenties dreams becoming more and more revealing I worked to understand them and thus be able to decipher the meanings of dreams. And I’ve always had feelings about people, like indications, hands that heat, know things before they happen, know what will happen in a place etc

But it was really from 2009 that I started to take my way. Indeed, when you are not in what you should be and you are a little stubborn (the word is weak), the burn out can easily take you and anxiety attacks do not talk about it. And what about a health or spring I was Darth Vader so much I was breathing badly, and gastritis, problems with digestion, sleep and even to have several operations and declare myself several herniated discs (yes I am stubborn). So in 2009, I decided to stop suffering and I started with gestalt therapy, then 2 years after about I started naturopathy studies to treat myself naturally and I switched to EMDR therapy almost 2 years too. In parallel, I started internships and other techniques in energy and devoured even more books (yes it is a passion, big passion books). After the EMDR, I started a 3rd therapy this one in art therapy. Me, who spend my time as a child drawing and writing it was obvious when it was not days with the camera or singing at the top of my voice and dancing.

The years have passed and I have perfected myself increasingly through internships, training, studies. In energetics over the years, I was trained in REIKI (which I no longer use), then Lahochi and the Golden Triangle of Isis. I passed the European degrees in naturopathy and art therapy. But all this at the time, I was just doing it for myself. Besides I had a job that I didn’t really like but that allowed me to do all these things. In 2018, another tragedy happened in my life. A drama but in fact it is perhaps the most beautiful thing that happened to me (thank you little angel) and that allowed me to say definitively stop a life that was no longer for me.

From then on, everything accelerated like... I met many people who helped me discover my path and I continued as I still continue to work on me every day. Through these meetings numerology came to me, it was a revelation everything was noted in black and white.

Attention, I do not regret my past in any way, it has made me who I am today and despite the trials I feel a great gratitude to this one and to the woman I have become.

Cis that in April 2019, I set up my own company which with the experience gained allows me today, to help you find who you are, to guide you on your life path. I am here to support your physical and emotional body. They are one.

Je continue toujours le travail sur moi, à me former aussi ! On July 7, 2022 after two years of training I obtained my certificate in wild picking and home remedy preparation with garden plants and wild plants.

And above all, I definitely accept that my life is not within the imposed standards. This is perhaps my most beautiful release. There is still work to be done, but I promise you that when you work on yourself, the peace and joy you experience is priceless.

Then on the program, many dreams like finishing the novel I started writing in 2019. So in October 2022, with the help of my CPF account I followed a Masterclass of writing training surrounded by the team of The Artist Academy, great names in literature such as Bernard Werber or Eric Emmanuel Schmitt and coaching sessions by a publishing house as well as the preparation of the Voltaire certificate. 

In parallel, in August 2022 and February 2023, I was introduced to two energy techniques to bring myself a real evolution in the search for my inner peace, my harmony. Techniques that I can offer on request like all those in energy.

In August 2023, I started training in library therapy. For a book lover, it was obvious. I received my certification on October 23, 2023. I can now offer workshops even more in writing, use my voice to read aloud, schedule workshops in creative notebook, bibliotherapy workshops for all audiences and institutions...

Septembre 2023, j'ai fini enfin presque un an plus tard la formation masterclass, mon premier manuscrit "La terre en héritage" 460 pages, un rêve qui s'accomplit. Enfin ! Envoyé fin septembre 2023 à des maisons d'éditions à suivre donc...

I am also part of a great association of painting on Saint Savin de Blaye where we meet regularly to paint with acrylic and draw with pastel. Soon my site will have its gallery page.

Yes, I may be hyperactive ....

Life is a game, life is rich in experience regardless of experience. Experience builds us, shows us the way. Life is an adventure and no matter what you experience. There is always something to learn from every good or bad experience. The whole thing is to find his peace, his way which is not that of the neighbor.


And I am happy to accompany you in search of yours.

November 2023: test and acquisition of the Dream Machine that I find simply great and that I propose to try you in sessions.

A propos
Contact me

Thank you for what you sent !


Open Monday to Saturday

from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Only by appointment throughout the Haute Gironde.

See you at the C Z'âmes de Cavignac, at home or remotely.


Some health insurance funds pay for   Naturopathy and Art Therapy sessions

Contact yours for  to verify.

Address :

C Z'Ames77 impasse Lamothe 33620 Cavignac.

Siret : 848 206 603 00054 - APE 8690 F

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